Welcome in our Incubator

Creating the future together
We support founders of a new business and young entrepreneurs. We offer a dynamic surrounding and outstanding basic conditions in the starting and stabilization phase to technology oriented companies. It is our aim to implement business ideas from the early research trough the pilot product development right up to the product launch.

New Settlements
7TM Antibodies GmbH
Development, production and distribution of specific antibodies for G protein-coupled receptors
Redwave Medical GmbH
Development of intelligent diagnostic algorithms for cardiovascular medical devices
Development, construction and prototyping, as well as measurement and testing of small optoelectronic devices.
Development, production and distribution of innovative systems for the oxidation of air pollutants with the highest energy efficiency by combining the advantages of catalytic technology and the reversible heat storage.
Our competence network NEMO-SpectroNet

SpectroNet - a network of specialists for visual quality
assurance with digital, colour and spectral imaging in
research and industry, food and health care,
environmental protection and administration - managed
by Technology and Innovation Park Jena.
We offer knowledge transfer in real time and collaboration on demand. Our network partners solve complex quality problems conveniently, reliably and affordably.
Our technological emphasis is on the innovation area of optical technologies. As enabling technologies, with their connections with modern information and communication technologies, they are converging independently of location, branch, and cluster in the growth markets of visual quality assurance with digital, colour and spectral imaging.